Mega Tree Singing Face
For xLights sequence that utilizes images for the singing faces
This process is very similar as show in the great video made available for importing the 2018
Xlights Around The World Project – Shown Here (note different face image names etc).
To enable this feature to work on your Mega Tree of Matrix you need to assign the face images to
your Mega Tree of Matrix in the Layout Screen in xLights.
In the Layout for the Mega Tree Select “Faces”, select Add and a pop up box will appear, we have
used the name “Abel” for this example, and press ok.
Then select “Matrix” from the drop down box
Then double click in one of “Eyes Open” blank cells, and navigate to the folder which contains the
images, in this example the folder is “Abel Pixel Faces”.
After selecting the correct images (note the other cells will auto populate in most circumstances, if not simply select each face image file as required. Note: Only Eyes Open images are contained for this sequence as the face is wearing sunglasses and no Eyes Closed images are required.
Select OK, and remember to select the Red Save icon in xLights
You have now assigned the face images to this Mega Tree.
You can no import the sequence as normal.
Including the very import lyric and timing tracks as well as the effects
After performing your sequence import and if the singing face is not working please ensure the correct lyric track is selected and the face definition is correct ie “Abel” the one we created earlier
in the xLights Layout for this Model.
Also it is very important that the files
containing any images for a sequence are
contained within your “Show Folder”.
Please refer to the sequence import tips
Thank you